The 5 key reforms SA needs to tackle to reach a 5% growth rate

WATCH | In conversation with Rudi Dicks, Head of Project Management in the Presidency

Welcome to 'Building a better South Africa, together', a six-part web series brought to you by Anglo American in partnership with News24.

'Building a better South Africa, together' aims to leverage the country’s collective strength and discuss how all of society can tackle three triple challenges: crime and corruption, energy challenges and infrastructure issues.

In the second episode, news broadcaster Nzinga Qunta sits down with Rudi Dicks, Head of Project Management in the Presidency, to discuss how South Africa can get its economy to a favoured 5% economic growth rate and beyond.

According to Dicks, there are five key structural reforms the government is seeking to tackle in its Operation Vulindlela. "The most important of course is that our economy cannot grow without a stable energy supply, or if we do the fundamental reforms that are required to create a stable energy supply," says Dicks.

The other four reforms include:

  • Significant reforms in the telecommunications industry,
  • Water supply and pricing,
  • Ports and rail logistics,
  • Relevant skills to grow the economy and attract tourism.

Tackling these five key reforms would help alleviate some of South Africa's broader economic challenges at present, Dicks says.

Watch Episode 2 below, as Dicks and Qunta dive deeper into these issues.

You too can decide how you want to be a part of building a better South Africa, together by joining the conversation at the social links below:

In the next episode of Building a better South Africa together, Qunta chats to Remgro CEO Jannie Durand, about the ongoing scourges of corruption and crime and their effect on the business world.

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Watch More Episodes

Episode 1: A Better SA with Themba Mkhwanazi


Episode 3: Crime and Corruption with Jannie Durand

Coming October 17

Episode 4: Rule of Law with Richard Price

Coming October 24