PODCAST | Episode 1: The foundation of bone health with Hadie Bahula

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As we age, so do our bodies. Our bones and joints carry us from infancy to old age – taking on a lot of wear and tear.

This is why it’s so vital to take care of our joint and bone health while we’re in our early adulthood through balanced nutrition decisions, exercise, supplements, and more wellness habits.

To help ensure you keep your bones strong, agile, and healthy as you age, MenaCal.7™ in partnership with News24 is releasing a podcast series called ‘Strong to the Bone’ allowing you to get all the expert tips and advice to keep moving comfortably over the years.

In the first episode of this podcast series, podcast host Jerusha Raath from Brand Story chats with Hadie Bahula, the senior education manager for MenaCal.7™ about the foundation of ensuring good bone health.

Tune in below to hear Hadie's advice on ensuring bone health and how to supplement it.

Empower Your Journey: Unveiling the Secret to Strong Bones with MenaCal.7™

As life's adventures unfold, strong bones become the foundation that supports our dreams and ambitions. Introducing MenaCal.7™, your support in nurturing bone health, empowering women to take charge of their vitality from the earliest years. Let's delve into why investing in bone health is a lifelong gift we owe to ourselves.

Early Years: Building a Foundation for Life

MenaCal.7™ isn't just a supplement; it's an investment in lifelong wellness.

By fortifying bone structure from an early age, it establishes a robust foundation for an active lifestyle.

As the years unfold, this investment translates into graceful aging, empowering women to embrace life's every phase with unwavering confidence.

MenaCal.7™ understands this pivotal phase, offering a unique blend of calcium, Vitamin D3, and the secret ingredient – Vitamin K2 (MK-7).

Together, they provide optimal bone development and calcium absorption, providing a solid foundation for an active life ahead.

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a woman is doing a yoga pose on the floor

A Lifelong Partner

The journey of womanhood is diverse and dynamic, and so is the support MenaCal.7™ provides.

Whether you're embracing motherhood, pursuing a career, or relishing your golden years, strong bones are your steadfast companions.

They enable you to dance, run, and embrace every moment with confidence and grace.

MenaCal.7™ isn't just about bone health; it's about embracing life's chapters with strength and resilience.

As women, our bones weave stories of perseverance and achievement.

With MenaCal.7™ as your wellness partner, you're not just investing in bone health – you're investing in a lifetime of vitality.

Empower your journey, starting today, and unlock the secret to strong, resilient bones that support your unique path through womanhood.

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