Careers in Administration
Two Director Vacancies available in Dihlabeng Local Municipality

Closing Date |
2024/04/05 @ 16H00 |
Reference Number |
2/2024 |
Tracking Number |
N/A |
Job Title |
Department |
Administration |
Enquiries |
Municipal Manager M Ntheli: 058 303 5732 |
Job Type |
Appointment will be on permanent basis subject to signing of Annual Performance Contract. |
Location - Country |
South Africa |
Location - Province |
Free State |
Location - Town / City |
Dihlabeng Local Municipality |
Job Purpose |
Various - view full vacancy document |
Minimum Requirements |
Various - view full vacancy document |
Recommendation |
Various - view full vacancy document |
Key Performance Areas |
Various - view full vacancy document |
Competencies |
Various - view full vacancy document |
Remuneration |
Dihlabeng Local Municipality is a Category 4 municipality, with Total Remuneration packages as follows: Minimum: R 1 016 855, Midpoint: R 1 158 065 and Maximum: R 1 315 065 per annum as per Notice No. 3541 published in Government Gazette No 48789 of 14 June 2023. The pay scale for each Senior Manager will be individually determined by Competence Based Assessment outcome, experience and qualifications. |
Notes |
The following appointments will be made in line with Sections 56 /57 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, as amended & relevant Local Government Regulations applicable to the Appointment of Senior Managers. Application and Conditions of appointment:
1. We Appreciate your demonstrated interest of being part of Dihlabeng Local Municipality 2. Only SA citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply. 3. Applicants must download and complete an Application Form (Annexure C) directly from the Government Notice 21 published in Government Gazette no 37245, dated 17 January 2014 (Local Government: Regulations of Appointment and Conditions Employment of Senior Managers) or from our website on No Application will be considered if it is not of the Official Application Form. The application form must be originally completed & accompanied by detailed CV with least 3 contactable references (telephonically and e-mail), (not older than 3 months) of qualifications, identity document , and driver’s license together with a covering letter clearly depicting the post applied for and enclosed in an envelope clearly marked. Shortlisted Applicants will be required to bring along original copies of qualifications, ID and Drivers license for verification when invited for the interview. 4. Faxed applications will not be considered; 5. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and to attach proof thereof. 6. Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to vetting processes (i.e reference and qualification checks as well as any previous misconduct or criminal record verification ) to determine suitability and sign of indemnity forms; 7. The applicant gives consent that their personal information may be accessed for verification purposes in adherence to the POPI Act (include signed consent letter); 8. Recommended candidate(s) will be subjected competency based assessment over 2 days prior appointment in terms of Annexure (Competency framework for Senior Managers) of Notice No.21 of Government Gazette No. 37245 of 17 January 2014: 9. The successful candidate will be required to sign an Employment Contract before assumption of duty, a Performance Agreement within 60 days of appointment and the necessary Disclosure of Financial Interest forms as well as undergo the necessary Security Vetting Processes; 10. On appointment the appointee should not be holding any political office in a political party whether on a permanent, temporary or acting capacity. 11. The incumbent will be stationed at Dihlabeng Local Municipality situated in Bethlehem, but may be deployed anywhere within the municipality depending on the operational requirements; 12. Due to the large number of applicants, correspondence will be limited to the shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within a period of two months after the closing date of the advertisement, kindly accept that your application has been unsuccessful. 13. The successful candidate will be reporting directly to the Municipal Manager. 14. The Municipality reserves a right not to appoint any applicant to this position 15. A candidate who canvasses for preference will be disqualified. 16. Fraudulent qualifications, information or documents will disqualify any applicant 17. The Council will pay traveling costs for attending interviews 18. APPLICANTS WHO HAD PREVIOUSLY APPLIED FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE POSITIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO RE-APPLY |
How to apply:
Applicants should submit their application form and Curriculum Vitae to:
- Municipal Manager
- PO Box 551
- Bethlehem
- 9700
OR email to:
Not later than Friday 5 April 2024 at 16h00
NB. People with disability are welcome to apply.